What Will Replace the Smartphone?

Technology advances every single day, transforming our experience, giving us access to more information than the recent past. The development of smartphones transformed the whole universe. Today in about ten Americans eight claim to be using smartphones.

It’s truly remarkable how people have grown fond of smartphones. Most of them use it for listening to music, reading, taking pictures and even interacting with people from different calibers on social media. They have become a part of our lifestyle, it’s hard to imagine that ten years down the line there was nothing like this flooding the market. But the release of the first iPhone changed everything. People now had a phone that combines computing power, mobile internet access, and a multitouch interface.

According to a survey carried out it was evident that today, almost everyone with a smartphone spends 5 to 6 hours in a day or more using it.

In 2015 a survey was carried out all over the world by Swedish communications technology. From their findings, it was evident that users expect smartphones to be out of the picture by 2020. But what Will Replace the Smartphone?

Only the future will tell what technology will be storming the market by 2020. However, according to Prognosticators more advanced technology like the Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Wearable and Augmented reality (AR) as the most suitable replacements. Imagine spending a day in the reality of your own, chatting with real people and doing real things? That is exactly a glimpse of the technology set to replace smartphones.

Jack Uldrich, a futurist claims that we will move from using the internet to actually living the internet.H e is also one of the people who talk to businesspeople giving them advice on which tend is the best for business.

Everyone has their own prediction to air out. For instance, Brad Berens who is a chief strategy officer at the Center for the Digital future, claims that smartphones will give way to advanced personal belongings like a necklace, eyeglass and many more, with the incorporation of the VR and AR.

The VR and AR are set to replace screens completely. All you need to ware are the glass and control everything in the thin air giving you a more realistic experience. Just like smartphones, you will be dealing with apps but with an extra touch.

The Next Generation Intelligent Assistant

Siri stormed the market shocking everyone who interacted with it. Imagine an application that can actually understand what you are saying and talk back. Now think about a more advanced Siri, one that actually knows what we want before we realize it ourselves. Jack Uldrich predicts that future gargets will be able to read our eyes to predicts what we want or what we want to do helping us solve search for information online.

People interact with technology more these days. Talk about a personal assistant whispering in your ear giving the correct name every time you feel like you have forgotten. It would be a huge relief.

No more science fiction like in the movies, the modern world is making everything a reality. From communication devices to gaming devices. The big question is are you ready to grab the next garget that storms the market. If yes? then you are in for a treat.

Categories: Gadgets Tech
Tags: gadgetstech