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Truth About How Often You Need Your Oil Changed


Truth About How Often You Need Your Oil Changed

Are you a car owner? If so, you need to know when to change the oil of your vehicle because this will allow you to

keep your car in good shape at all times. Keeping your vehicle looking good is not hard when you change the oil at the

right time.

We will let you know about the right time to change the oil of the vehicle. This information is truly important, and we

will go deeper and deeper. Therefore, you have to read on so you can find out more about it.

Truth About How Often You Need Your Oil Changed

From 7,500 to 10,000

You are better off changing the oil of your vehicle between 7,500 and 10,000 miles, though some people recommend

5,000-mile intervals. The time to change the oil will depend on many factors such as your driving habits, make of the

car, the age of the vehicle, and the type of oil.

Up to Six Months

If you drive a 2018-model vehicle and have typical driving habits, you should change your oil every six months or

7,500 miles. If you have a 2007 model, you have to change your oil every 5,000 miles or even six months, whichever

comes just first down the road.

3,000 Miles

You have to change the oil of the vehicle every 3,000 miles when you do not have typical driving habits and own a

2007 vehicle. You need to change the oil of the vehicle every 5,000 miles when you do not have typical driving habits

and own a 2008 vehicle.

We have talked about how often you need to change the oil of your vehicle. You need to keep that information in mind

so you can keep your vehicle in shape at all times, and you will love what you will see down the road these days too.

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