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Busy Tech Guy

Viral Tech And Science Content


When humans started to explore space more than 60 years ago, images  of the cosmos had wowed us with their views of the vast universe.  Those are not the only images to amaze  though ... and terrify to come from space travel.  For images of Earth itself  have been just as interesting.  Such stunning images of space stations, taken from rockets, capsules, shuttles and most recently  from the international space station, allow us to see our planet's beauty and fragility.  However, those pictures  do more than engross.  They also enabled NASA and other organizations experts to respond to Earth's natural  disasters and to plan for potential dangers that could emerge from deep space.

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 tips and tricks

In Tech
On 14th June 2019
Manage to get your hands on the gorgeous Samsung Galaxy Note 9? You've probably noticed there are a lot of nice new changes. Here are a few of our favorite tips and tricks to get you started with your new Samsung Galaxy Note 9.Read more:...

How to Make WiFi Faster in Your Home

In Tech
On 7th June 2019
Routers and signal strength If you have a wireless (Wi-Fi) router in your home, chances are you have areas with a strong signal and fast speeds—but also areas where you can’t connect to the Internet at all. That’s especially true of large or sprawling homes....
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